Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Because Amelie and Lucas are totally in love and passionate. Plus I think there are different levels of maturity (no offense towards Adam intended).

you should not give such people an answer…

negative attention is also attention… and that’s what he wants

so just ignore him

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stop the crap please

you can love your wife and bang her good, not so slow that amelie almost fall as___p, thats why they had threesomes because amelie fall as___p

She is not happy, that`s for sure

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So sorry, but he`s absolutely right

it is a useless discussion

we all know what is going om in their country ans what Lucas does for a living?

And we all know that they really love each other, just look how tender she is with him

so just give them the room they need and deserve and be happy that they provide us with Adam and Olivia

anyway… i also enjoy watching Lucas and Amelie as well

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You are right, it is a useless discussion, and yes with the level of stress Lucas needs to get on every day, i can see why he is not at his best level


What happened.

I don`t know what happened, why she was upset

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Did she read the forum maybe everyone here keeps going on about threesomes and foursomes.

Real love… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Non of us can even imagine how it is to be in Lucas shoes those days :s___py:


i am just happy that they have each other


Shes in the naughty mode tonight, thats for sure :rofl: :rofl: :fire:


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:


An Angel :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


but a naughty one :wink:

Adam and the clock have nearly the same rhytm

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Amelie was thrilled to have strokes 584 vag from her man Lucas.

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Wow, you really counted them did you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: