Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Thank you for the update :heart:

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We really love our new apartment


Thank you😘

Welcome back. and i hope you are now far enough away from this so unnecessary war

Maybe lightly smaller than the previous one, isn’t it?
But nicely decorated. :+1:

If I had the volume up I would’ve heard them :man_facepalming: :joy:

Welcome back!
Hope it is a safe place!

The house looks fine!

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Scotts running it by remote from the basement :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Grampa moe is his assistant in charge of the glue gun!

Amelie it’s really nice to see you :hugs:

Let’s see what color the orchid will turn out :blush:

I’m sorry to say but that clock would be launched from the balcony :joy: the ticking is driving me up the wall :hear_no_evil: :rofl:

maybe a cam will be installed on the balcony :heart_eyes:



Amelie hoş geldiniz, mutluluk getirdiniz.

Hello and welcome back! I would suggest two more chambers in the bedroom!!! :heart_eyes: :grinning:

Welcome back online @Amelie_Lucas :heart::heart:


Welcome back Stay Safe

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Pleased to see you safe and back online.


The big bossman lol classic

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:thinking: :roll_eyes:R2D2??? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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