Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Amelie is about to get SWATed :smiley:


Neither of those are decisions you get to make. Amelie said everything is fine. They are there. They know the cameras are there. They have the option to cover them if they choose. THEIR decision, not yours.

You also don’t get to tell people what they can or cannot post. Not your decision.

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My understanding is that ALL guests must give their consent to being on camera, in writing. If not correct, I’m sure someone can correct me.

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And it’s not about empathy. It’s about you taking it upon yourself to tell not only the viewers, but Amelie & Lucas what they can and can’t do. It’s not your place.

As I said above, their guests know all about that apartment. They’re allowed to cover the cams if they choose. And any viewer can post what they want. Neither of those decisions are up to you.

And, if Amelie needed to be censored in any way, she wouldn’t do any of what you’re censoring. She knows what she’s doing, and she wouldn’t do it if she didn’t want to, now or at any other time.

I can only speak for ourselves, me and both of my wives have had a discussion about this situation. Since my younger wife loves this realm and watches religiously :man_facepalming:t4: (there have been fights over computer access due to hogging :joy::joy:). We all came to the conclusion that, having your guests there will increase viewership and the income from that, but on the flip side, we want to respect their privacy as this is not really a choice for them. So my family will not be viewing the guests while they are without Amelie and Lucas with them. If that makes sense to you guys. We will wait until they have said it’s ok and only when they are comfortable enough.

They effectively did say it was OK by uncovering the camera in the bathroom.

I think you guys could use another computer…or two. :laughing:

I have my phone as I use it for the forum. I only grab the computer from them if I want to watch a place live. But I usually just use time stamps and go back watch later if I feel like it. Extra computers would make us screen zombies and we don’t want that. That’s why I’m sporadic with my comments on here. We have a life :joy::joy::joy:

As for the ok, I think we will wait until it’s been said officially by the hosts and also when they are comfortable in their skin before perving on them. Like I said, they are not typical guests and have little in the way of choice. It’s just not a good feeling we have about it. Our choice in the matter.

I don’t write much lately but I always follow you Slava UCRANIA

:thinking: (17)

thanks Amelie, I’m not normally a foot fetishist (and in the archive as well)
but you gave me earned :smirk: :upside_down_face: :melting_face:


like virtual reality crazy lol

guest “disguised” :shushing_face: :crazy_face:

i thought i was watching a video game :rofl:

A guest visible, yet disguised. Awesome! Now everyone can be happy.

Reconciliatory ■■■■, anyone?



It’s just a colour inversion (close to complimentary colours…which is getting technical so I won’t carry on with that one), not sure how they do that though on the camera, if it was deliberate.

I just remodeled it. negative (invert colors)

Oh so it was just YOU being naughty and confusing us! :laughing:

:roll_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (ten characters)