well, I have taken hundreds of photos through the years on this site. and never thought one moment that I shouldn’t because of cams. unless the situation was informed to us otherwise!
And your pictures would have helped increase the viewership of this realm and the income they earn as a result.
Dude lose the censored or don’t post the picture it is annoying
everybody will do as they want to do anyways…
Fact is that there are many people, spread over most of the realms, that are there, but they do not actively partake in sex or nudity… and that is acceptable, and they become part of the landscape of VHTV…
lets accept these two on that basis… they are here due to very exceptional circumstances… that is beyond their control… but they are safe and at least they can try to continue as normal as possible.
it is really up to each of us, to decide for ourselves how we are going to react towards them… to me the most important is respect… for their situation, and the fact that their choices are limited, due to a war…
so for me, i will acknowledge their presence, respect their situation… and let them decide how they want to deal with living in this apartment. For me, as a voyeur, there are a magnitude of things outside of sex, that interest me regarding interaction between people…
as always… hugs and love from the bottom of Africa.
If they and Amelie are ok with it, then they should be added to wiki
Finally someone showing some empathy.
Okay let’s wait for an answer from @Amelie_Lucas
I want to know also is Amelie and Lucas happy about these pics with the censored logo.
I must admit, that went through my mind as well. I am glad you have have raised the point.
Totally agree.
The social dynamics between participants on here most times so much more interesting than the chaterbate realms - it’s like a people zoo. Even the arguments between these people are interesting (as long as there is no violence), like the other day between A&L and the touching moment when Amelie came in after the fight and kissed Lucas when he was as___p. Those are the special moments, not the wam-bam thanking you realms.
The vast majority or even all of the viewers (including those you are most likely referring to) to this realm have rallied behind Amelie & Lucas with messages of support and some have made donations as well to help their cause, to say that some people have “absolutely ZERO empathy” is just nonsense and in some respects insulting! Yesterday or earlier you were in another realm accusing the particpants about not caring about the welfare of the dog, practically accusing them of a___e or neglect, and accusing viewers of not speaking up, only for you to be called out yourself for not addressing the participants yourself. I get where you are coming from, just don’t be so quick to judge others.
BTW I have completed your request
I am here
What questions do you have?)
The most important s__tstorm right now is about whether the guests are OK with posting their images here, or not
Jabbath was wondering if it would be ok to add your guests to the participants wiki list
Also about the pics with the censored logo on them.
Sooo… I propose to wait Lucas, let’s see what he says, okay guys?
He is a boss😅
Good idea.
thank you for caring about them… we are in awe regarding that…
i think the best will be for you to tell us what is OK and what is off-limits… that will set some ground rules for us to follow…