The problem is people bitch and moan when participants respect each other’s limits and take it slow, and then when they give into the mob’s wishes and break the redlines, the same mob is there to condemn them and asks for their immediate expulsion. just imagine the reaction on the forum if Locus was stupid enough and listened to the mob and did something to Tanya against her will
And that’s really my main problem. Because I don’t care what anyone watches or why they watch it, but when you watch people for long enough and you know their routine and what they’re about, and then bitch and complain everyday about what the tenants are doing, then you the viewer is the stupid one. If you know this group are cam teasers, then enjoy them being cam teasers and shut the fuck up when you know it’s never going to go further than teasing.
Can’t agree more.
It’s just because they want to influence and direct the participants to do what they want to see.
Just looked back and when Amelia got out the bath and left the bathroom Bella’s panty’s came off. Duhhhhh
Guys, time to hit the sack. The morning wake-up clock is ticking.
Thank you ALL for a nice chat and we will read each other again in the future. Have a good, peaceful night’s s___p. Love you all.
See ya!
interesting how people shift focus when something is too obvious. before the focus was that they were authentic, as the braggarts are getting more and more canastros, the focus shifts to i prefer them to porn and so on. each thing is one thing, one thing and they pretend their intentions and another thing is to like porn, who say they are sincere are themselves. there is a large part of people who are ignored by the defenders of these four, they are those who do not like porn and are not spectators of something manipulated. have any problem with being manipulated, no. The problem is saying one thing and doing another like Bella does, she says that everything she does is sincere. I even agree, this is sincere manipulation. The defenders of 4: don’t have to send me to see another realm, I don’t see this one. But telling me to leave the forum is no use, because I love listening to hypocrisy
Had to go away after the bath scene and when I just came back, nothing had happened. Not surprising as I agree that there must be stage management for events to play out the way they do. But @Buster is right for many of us who enjoy the slow build up and the anticipation - I also happen to believe that as with Tanya, something eventually will happen and I will enjoy it as I did with Tanya. Also as @Buster says, it is interesting to see how they tease us next and how far the next tease will go Fortunately there are other apartments to enjoy where the build up is far quicker which is also enjoyable. Variety spice and life come to mind
Ok there is a knife laying on the couch
There is also a gap in the time line from 14:00 til 16:09 kitchen cam was upside down wen cams are back online did something happen there ??
They used the knife to open the bathroom door. The door is not working properly. Every time the visitor’s go to the bathroom they lock themselves in the washroom you see them prying the door open with the knife.
Nothing special, Amelie announced that they will be offline for about two hours, repairing and changing cameras.
geez this has been months
True, Lucas could have fixed that a long time ago.
That has been broken for sometime, I wonder if the landlord has been notified to fix it
Tasks that may seem very easy to you like fixing a door knob are not always simple for others. I agree that is something that I could easily have fixed. Also it may bother the heck out of you and me does not perturb others in the slightest.
I agree until the moment when someone will be alone in the apartment and will accidentally pull the door behind them.
In principle, I agree with everything, but half a year? For one hook?
Or … If I think that Amelie can stay naked inside, hmmm … Maybe you got something here
Hey this is VHTV and EVERYONE always has their cellphone so Amelie being locked in has my number and can call me 24/7
Crap, you overtook me …