When I see a couple pick up the phone during sex, I walk away. L&A has already done that. That’s when I go away, it’s a fuck for me without any emotion, I call it industrial, for sale. The internet is full of it, for free.
And again, this is me. There’s nothing wrong with people liking it.
I find your description very apt
But i agree, i just find it rude and ignorant fucking with a phone in your face it just goes to show what the real intention of the sexual act is and it has nothing to do with feelings.
And I don’t have any problems with that, I just withdraw, I go to some other realm. Like I said, I don’t like that, it takes my passion away from that scene.
If they are recording the sex, I quite like it because it’s an indicator that they are really into what they are doing. If they are just on the phone, facebook or whatever, then like you I’m off. As you say we all like different things!
Just the last time I answered in here that I follow the events on the screen may be in 5%. The screen works for me because something is going on, something is shining here on the table when I’m doing projects. In the 95% of my time I spend on VHTV, quite ordinary things happen on screen. Sometimes when I work, next to the screen Charlize cooks. Or Amelie is tidying up the apartment.
And it’s perfectly fine with me. I don’t come here just to fap.
Let me put it this way … I work, I have to be concentrated, and now and then I look up at the beautiful Charlize breasts, while she’s watching TV on the couch. Or Bella’s but while lying in bed