Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

that has been told quite often by people but the globe has been gone for a long time since vhtv has to pay for this luckily it is back for now dont know how long :rofl:

otherwise everybody will have to write in english, no ?


You can also right click on the text and click on translate to english, this will translate all entries

I once asked vhtv that and got the answer as long as the globe is not there you can just write in your own language and people have to see how they translate it forum was a mess

I would love to be able to speak different languages, but when I was in school we only had French and German and I was not very good at that. English is my language and I am not very good at that either. :rofl:

this does not work for evry 1 alot of ppl on phone dont have this and not evry internet browser does it

now you realize that ‘’ Britain doesn’t rules the world ‘’ (anymore) :rofl: :rofl:

It will be enough for today, work is waiting for me in the morning.

Guys, I wish everyone a good night’s s___p.

Jealous of these people that can pick up speak many different languages so easily.

same here need to work in a few hours so gona s___p and same to you have a nice night

wish i could do that first starting to learn russian then :rofl:

Good night.

yes, but the English are still a bit lazy to learn another language. They imagine that everyone must speak English! I have neighbors (in Normadie) who have lived here for years and they still don’t speak a little French. Fat lazy! :wink:

Maybe Tanya could pop around to each of us and teach.

oh yes oh yes !! i am first !!! :heart_eyes:

Second only to Kazantip house but now Tanya has left watch how many viewers they lose, what a big mistake

she is very welcome here and she can stay as long as she likes and for now have a nice evening im off to bed see you guys tomorrow

nite take care

Bye all :wink: see you

nite see you at bellas lol