Ambar & Dane

They should repair their cams …


1 bedroom cam 1 guest room are offlist…:rofl:

Cam problems and dick problem…:sweat_smile:

And it ends…:sweat_smile::rofl: other guy look less interested in Ambar better invite some guy who know how to do party…. guest women :fire::fire: really hot… but Dane can’t get hard…
Well…! M happy atleast u guys try something like before wanna see more wild parties… but with better cam and guest…:wink::sweat_smile:

This guest women…:hot_face::hot_face:

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Todo estamos ya lagos tomados , creo que por eso están así

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I hope u guys will also invite some guests from before and wanna see more party like this…:wink::heart_eyes::hugs: and u guys really need to do something about cams…:sweat_smile:

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I think things are heading in the right direction. Glad you guys are back and active. Ambar, I’ll be patient, just keep it coming. :wink: :+1:t4:

Glad to see you back in action @Ambar :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

Dane does a great job with the cameras. Just wondering once you get a stronger internet service, can a hall camera be installed?

esta noche vas a invitar gente?

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Hopefully you get it fixed soon because most of the cams are lagging and guest bedroom 2 cameras are offline.

Ya nos comunicamos con los técnicos y dicen que ya para esta semana nos instalarán un mejor internet

Estamos esperando que nos confirmen unos invitados, y si no mañana tendremos ma a invitados

@Ambar inviten a algún amigo gay tambien jeje, los colombianos están bien bonitos. Se extraña al Robert. :heart_eyes:

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Nuestro amigo angelo es bisexual, es el chico que estaba ayer, Pronto Robert nos volverá a visitar

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Que bien, tu hermano también es bonito lástima que sea tan tímido :slight_smile:

Él siempre ha sido así :joy: esperamos que algún día se le quite

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Las camara del Living Room estan mal colocadas. Muy lejo del sofa.

They removed Guest Room 2 and the guest disappeared from Guest Room 1. I think he is in that hide room so he can do whatever he wants away from the cams…

have you ever been with angelo?