Ambar & Dane

Of course I understand, I have been somewhat unwell in recent months for health reasons, but I will really be more active.

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lampre77 seems to be very negative through the whole project on this forum so IMO donā€™t take to heart what is said.


we have noticed some guest are paidā€¦ if you guys had more guest who had sex natuarally than paid actors it would alot better not trying to be rude just stating observations as a viewer


I second this! I also wish to see more natural, organic parties and sex. itā€™s more interesting.


You are right and your comment helps us to be better and fix those problems that we have had lately

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Agree. We donā€™t need paid guestsā€¦


at our parties sex is natural, but many times the boys get _____ and nothing interesting happens. but I think thatā€™s what organic is all about. but we will try to have much more interesting parties

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not all parties have to have sex thats normalā€¦ just as a viewer paid guest is huge turn off there is other apartments that do it and they get trolled hard for it, glad you guys are willing to listen

0 parties will happen there being like that :joy:

maybe your right but atleast they are willing to listen be honest and not bulls__t


yeah it is great to have more and more fun in the parties, I like that and you are one of the best having parties, I like that way congratulations

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I totally agree, maybe sometimes we get out of context because we want to do more, we end up doing less.

great I hope it will be soon as osibble to see very goood parties in your place. Youa re very nice and good having parties and _____ alot it is great fun

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The people who come to our apartment are all friends, but they also need money, but not everyone comes to have sex, why yes, they also do it because they like it and here they are free to do it with whoever they please

Iā€™m glad to know that you like our parties, even without understanding our language, itā€™s very nice to know :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Not everyone doesnā€™t understand the talk :wink: and thatā€™s the ā€œproblemā€ and why i stopped giving too much attention to the place and to the type of ā€œpartiesā€

lol the majority of dont speak spanish or russian

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Language is a big problem, but I respect your opinion, I also know that for a long time we have not been really that interesting and the idea is to change those deficiencies so that they have a better opinion.


And still you are in better (or worse depending on perspective and how things are done) position then the majority of the VH places that are a totally not ā€œfamiliarā€ language.
Spanish is way more common and understandable language worldwide even if not by natives of the language


I totally agree with you, but it would be great if they understood everything we talked about, but hey, you are also right in what you tell me