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That was quite sexy :open_mouth:

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kind of wonder what reaction we’ll get when she finds Alex in her bed jacking off

She should break his other hand.

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but then he would be helpless, he needs at least one good hand to pull his pud with, Anna shouldn’t get stuck with that chore too!

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Good to see an entertaining end to this party, especially after disappointments elsewhere. Interesting though watching Capo laying down so many rules to her guy in terms of their sexual encounter :smiley:

no reaction he is doing it evry time he visits a appartment he dois it even with capo on the bed btw its his house he is the manager of this and more appartments

It’s not his house, he manages the apartment, that should’n’t give him the right to just jerk off on the tenants bed whenever it suits him.

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I agree, that is very rude. Maybe she should go to his place and piss in his bed!

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Seems to me that Capo likes to lead men on. If she is not interested she should just say so :laughing:


I would like that too, but I don’t think Capo has ever been in a threesome

All this guy is getting is some finger action. I guess its better than nothing.

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It basically is nothing when that’s all you’re going to get.

She put her pants on to give him a handjob… this guy has no self respect to deal with something like that.

I thin k he is getting a clue when she dont even want to kiss him. I would have been left. Not wasting my time :rofl:

Maybe Alex can manage her.

A lot of guys pay good money for a 5min lap-dance with a stripper who they can’t even touch, If he is not in a relationship with her ( which I assume he is not ) and they are just doing it for fun, he can’t really complain :joy: It’s not like she owes him anything, it’s her choice how far she wants to go, and the guy is obviously happy with what he gets, otherwise he would have left like you suggested.