I know what they are doing. They are trying to make us forget all about Kristina. It won’t work. So stop all this fucking. It’s like wasting energy. Go and make another painting, finish the jigsaw, but not this continuous hanky panky. Bah.
Finaly I see some people watching the Olympics. Albeit the closing ceremony… Now that the games are over I’ll have to find something else to watch during the nights. Suggestions anyone?
Scotland got a Gold
Excuse my ignorance: in what sport did you win that?
Women’s curling
Ah ofcourse! People make fun of curling here. I like it. It’s like chess meets skating meets housekeeping. No really I like it. It’s more difficult to do than people think. The tactics are very complicated. Me likes! Congratulations!
Yeah a lot of tactical play involved, I find it interesting never had a try of it maybe add it to my bucket list
Hurry back Kristina we miss you
Until we get somekind of a bar here, a place where we (me) can go off-topic all we want, I guess I’ll do it here.
Where I live, The Netherlands, we love Scotland. We understand many would like to become independant from England and be part of the EU. As we speak there’s a whole television series about that here. I’m sure you will love it. Please have a look:
Great match for GB. Just a shame Japan just couldn’t get a feel for the ice while Eve and Vicky were totally dialed in. I expected a closer match, but not a chance with the way Vicky played.
Watched it I find it interesting that our fight for independence is broadcast in another country
We Dutch want to know everything about everyone. But the Scots have a special place in our hearts. Maybe it’s because you never beat us with football.
(there’s more episodes eyh)
I’ve saved them to watch later. 1978 world cup Scotland 3 Netherlands 2. Archie Gemmill goal of the tournament Thank you
Haha! Wow. From 1978 we only remember the final. The horror. Well ok then, I’ll give you 1978.
Wow. Totaly forgot about that one. Great goal. Whatever became of Archie?
Not sure where he is now he’s 74 years old, his son Scott played for Scotland too he also manages the under 21’s. Jabbath not going to be happy that we’re way off topic
I told him to make us a place for all this nonsense. He said he would ask the people upstairs. I guess they are too busy counting money.