When Merkaba tires, please let me know - be straight round!

Well she got down lower giving Vany a very intimate and erotic massage but the lights whilst nice for them…!
That guy with the shaven head is constantly fiddling with the lighting in the Living room, usually to the detriment of viewers. He also stands in front of cameras and one can see a few of the girls cringeing at his touch.
Contrast that with the other gentleman with the fuller head of hair and the “salt and pepper” beard who is gentle, patient and respectful to the ladies on whom he is working.
It is wonderful that Vany brought her friends with her, or encouraged their attendance.
I hope Vany gets to return the favour, but now I’ve got to go out
It’s about time Merkaba had an orgasm at someone else’s hand!
True, very true; but remember that some in life are “givers” not “takers” when it comes to sexual favours and gentleness.
Ah but then we saw what Vany could do with Enigma!