Longest maintenance in history…
Let me guess, the guy went rogue again?!
Longest maintenance in history…
Let me guess, the guy went rogue again?!
There supposed to be back today according to Kaya
@kaya any updates on this place ??
No update?
Alleria got ill and asked for pause until Monday (maybe…)
Cheers kaya
Thanks for the update hopefully she feels better
Now take her out of your dungeon and bring her back
Can we start a petition for John to give her back to us
He’s got an hour after that im calling the pussy police
Problem is I think John maybe high up in the pussy police
Unfortunately, i am as sad as everybody else that she’s not there…
Hopefully, she’s not gone
I think she’s still there it looks like all her stuff is there surely she would hardly leave her teddy bear behind
I hope you’re right. What got me a little bit worried is that i can’t see her travel luggage anymore
If she was ill, a better status would’ve been ‘personal issues’ rather than ‘maintenance’… But glad she’s back & well.
I see their ‘lodger’ has gone? Away? Future participant?
I think that’s it there but it’s hard to tell