Alisa's Wonderland

probably be offline soon. internet. lagging issues :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Personally I have been getting a lot of slowness and lagging issues since yesterday evening on other apts as well, is there a problem with their server does anybody know? The timeline has gone from being razor sharp which encouraged me to subscribe a while ago but it is often now delayed reaction and the odd ghost images which others have commented on. I could not find a tech forum so apologies for putting it here.

I’ve been ok with all of them, with the exception of this place. Here recently!
You might have already done these things to help. Cleared the cache and refresh. reboot

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Thanks useful to know.

Hey… Alisa will there be any party… missing Kitara…:sweat_smile:

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Packing up and leaving.was a good ride for them. Wishing nothing but great things ahead for these two :hearts: I hope you come back as a guest!

With all the hate, insults and bashing that her boyfriend got on this forum, and (again as per this forum) she spends most of her day on the phone with him, it is likely that he convinced her to move out of this apartment (and the project?)
I’m afraid that all those girls we saw over the last week or so won’t be back if she is gone

If you’re talking about Alisa. why do you think she is leaving ?
It’s not like she hasn’t had a place before. I don’t believe he has a problem
with it. he seems ok so far. as far as she has been on the phone. How do you know it was him
she was speaking to?

Is Alisa leaving? it doesn’t look like it. She does spend almost all day on the phone but so do many others. When she talks to Alec she cries because she is working through a couple tough decisions involving him. We have to wait for her to finally decide what to do about Alec and Wayne,

Alec making sure everything is into the right place :wink:

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Probably my mistake
With all the luggage and boxes in her room, thought it was Alisa that was packing

@X192023 and @ToreyK this looks like your night again :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink: :ok_hand:

Alec is here….:sweat_smile: I hope he don’t control this party… and more guys visit…:smiling_imp:

S__te, they left :cry: :cry:

@ToreyK Karen is with this biker guy?

Still Diana, Kitara, Alisa are here…:fire:

I think others will comeback as well, they left the bike inside :thinking:

I know they will still long night…. may be ______ or more guests…:wink:

If Karen is with the biker, means Ben is fucking that other gorgeous girl?

Let’s hope more guest guys and girls visit and it’s gonna be wild night again….

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