Alisa's Wonderland

I don;t know John, she fucked him 6 times over a night and the following day.

That was the “job” they both got…

We must have a different definition of “interested”. Usually when Finely visits Lyla at Alisa’s, he fucks her to the point that she can barely walk. To me that means she’s pretty interested.

I think you are projecting your want for a love story between Lyla & Wayne…

Do you know their “job” tonight? Or do you only know their “job” after they do it?

i absolutely want a love story between them. If each of them can control his and her budding a_____lism I see a wonderful romance. That’s a big if.

Wayne is just her job of the night when he visits as John78 would say. He is no different from Finely or whoever else she fucks…

I am sure we don`t. You just like to piss me off, quite simple.

Well, you’re the one that said Layla has never been interested in Finely. To me you have to be at least a little interested in someone if you fuck them 4+ times in one night.

Damn, man you won’t give up is it? They simply don’t interact almost at all, what is so hard to see and understand. Every time he’s been there they sit on that sofa waiting till the time is up, then fuck mechanically for the “job” and back to “i don’t know you” story. So simple.

I think you are getting too emotionally invested into Layla to the point where it is not healthy. I watched their last fuckathon. There was definitely some passion there. There fucking was not mechanical.

FFS i am not talking only about the fucking, them two are not interacting at all when Finley is coming. They are sitting there waiting for the time to go into that bedroom and fuck. How can that be natural and normal if there was even the smallest interest there? There isn’t. You watch the fucking only but i watch everything is happening since he comes to that door and till he leaves. Nothing is natural, zero, nothing. If you compare Lyla`s attitude with Wayne and then with Finley is like day and night.

I agree John, I don’t think Lyla is much interested in Finley.

Lyla & Emannuelle enjoyed a game of twister but never could get around to taking their panties off- whoever lost the game. . Shame! in the meantime Finlay - , either very tired or with an excess of a_____l, could not have been less interested.


Finley is en blijft een mysterieus gast .
En je ziet Leyla en Finley ook nooit een kusje geven .
Of heb ik dat ergens gemist ?

non hai perso nulla, lui ci prova da ieri sera ma lei, fino adesso, lo rifiuta

visto che insisteva, ha messo una maschera di bellezza per farlo desistere :rofl:

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Maybe more lucky over there? :joy: :joy:

non credo proprio, anzi lei ha provato anche a far bere Lyla per farla arrendere, eppoi credo che gli piacciano le donne :wink:

If you referring to Emanuelle now, i don`t remember seeing her doing G/G but she loves :eggplant: :eggplant: :eggplant:

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sensazioni mie :upside_down_face: