Alisa's Wonderland

Time will tell what it is :joy:

Lucky bugger. Always slept near Melissa or Krista :heart: :heart:

dont think for one minute .she hasnt read our forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lyla is back. I missed her laughter and her carefree attitude. Finally life is back in Alisa’s house. Lyla is of course pretty, the wig doesn’t suit her in my opinion. But I’m just glad to see her alive and well. Alisa, please look after your charge Lyla and take good care of her. Lyla, you are just a fascinating one-of-a-kind.

Well a_____l is sometimes called the water of life.:sweat_smile:

Water is only putting her to s___p :rofl: :innocent:

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ovviamente perchè si sta annoiando :wink:

if he wants to _____ it’s okay but without overdoing it like he always does…

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He always _____s until he is sick, and that is not good…

Aqua vitae :smile: Cheers, by the way :beer:

Wie kent deze dame .
Is dat de controleur van Lyla ?
Lyla voelt zich duidelijk niet in op haar gemak , er scheelt iets , misschien is ze ziek .
zorg alstublieft goed voor Lyla , dat ze niet meer de weg kwijt geraakt , en NIET op iedere man kruipt .

S___p well dear Lyla and have nice dreams.

The red chilli lover is there for her :wink:

They buy Vodka by the jug :question:


moins chère :wink:

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jolie chat a 700 € quand même.


Alisa doesn’t give a s__t about Lyla or anything else, except for Alec. Witness earlier occasions when Alisa allowed Finley(sp?) to fuck Lylas 4 times over one night. and the time Alisa sent Lyla out the door to Medea’s when Lyla was s__tfaced.

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Well, now, that`s a view :fire:


Where is Wayne (Golo)?