Alisa's Wonderland

Ohh, sorry, i did climb a little to fast :rofl:

Misschien moeten wij even afwachten wat de avond ons gaat brengen . Zal wel niet veel zijn . En wat gaat wayne doen ? Wij speculeren er rmaar op los . Maar ik heef zeker Lyla NIET het voordeel van de twijfel , want ze gi g zwaar in de fout

I know what the evening will bring for Lyla and that’s a hangover :rofl: :rofl:

U posted a pic in the wrong apartment that should go under Alica and Aderyn

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OOPS! Thanks!

Ur welcome

It is a good thing the tub was empty, or she could have drowned! :crazy_face:

Someone really needs to cut her off!

I think she hates cooking

Hoe delen die hun dag in ?
Lyla zal nu wel tot besef komen , wat ze heeft aangericht .

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Lyla alive :slight_smile:

Ja en straks terug wenen

She should be weeping. Who is she turning to? What is she seeking? I don’t think it is Wayne.

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Lyla zal toch haar leven eerst even op rijtje moeten zetten .
Want zo zal ze geen lang en gelukkig leven hebben .
En a_____lische dranken zal haar niet helpen .

I am sure after last night she will recognise the error of her ways. It will never happen again . LOL

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Reading the forum I saw you was asking about this girl. here are some pictures of her you might like. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ohh yeah, that is exactly the girl i was asking about :heart_eyes: Thank you for the pics

The very best :peach: on site :fire:


Lyla had je maar je verstand gebruikt , lag er misschien iemand anders tussen je benen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Phone messages coming in. Happy news. Alica is giddy and Lyla is happy but reflective. i speculate the messages are from Wayne and he is saying good things about the relationship continuing. Alisa is now sewing the wedding dress.

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