Alisa's Wonderland

get in line :rofl::rofl:

I am I’m at the front if you look further up it :wave: :grin:

I don`t remember seeing many people in my life with such a positive energy like this blonde guest girl. She is smiling or laughing non stop. Amazing :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


s__t how did you get there :rofl:

Well well, look a bit further up on first posts and you will see that she`s taken :rofl: :rofl:

Nobody will catch me when beautiful girls are involved :joy:

Animation Running GIF

Usain Bolt GIF by SB Nation

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Where can’t see :sunglasses:


They still going :heart_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :partying_face:

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Alisa you need to go to your bedroom before your devil cat k__ls Malyshka :angry:

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Is this girl in love for wayne or what. She needs to let the dog at home or she wont get waynes juice…

She is into him from the first time they been together, but Wayne… :man_facepalming:

This is getting better and better. New girl.


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The blond? Either would qualify but blond more endearing.

I`m sure i have seen her before :thinking:

Well this place died a death, I can only imagine Mr Not-so-popular must be Imminent :frowning_face: