
OCD spike is my guess

She went on to scrub the bath and toilet excessively, after having removed all the towels. :thinking:

And then proceeded to ‘sanitise’ the front door, the kitchen bin bag, and many other things, all the time holding on to the ‘sanitiser spray’ as if her life depended on it.

Definitely OCD

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Bunch of b___dy nutters :laughing:

Not watched most of the night,did Henry get his end away then or was it another let down? :laughing:

yes he doinked the miss piggy lookalike

Nah, too short for that

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Consolation prize then eh :laughing:

consolation sure you didnt mean booby prize, id sooner have an attempt at a wank than even think of jumping in the sack with that moose :rofl:

Still suppose a holes a hole for Henry :laughing:

Never look at the mantlepiece when stoking the fire eh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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well thats a fact , suprised he asnt had a go at one of the pets by now ,

Second in row again, even if Mira is not there. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I see Gerda having her usual b___dy melt down, christ, what a shower :laughing:

Nice bedsheet :+1: :+1: :+1:

This one is a mega! She’s still cleaning, cushions, mattress, curtains, everything so far gets sprayed, except the dog !! :laughing:

See the kitchens getting the treatment now :laughing:

That fucking sprays going everywhere, not sprayed her fanny yet though :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Definitely a ‘two bag job’ :laughing:

Yet Miss piggy is indeed lovely unlike the ones you supposedly call beautiful