
We can name them Jenka and Tino (White shirt guy) ?




Jenka and Tino


Well Tino seems to be just the supplier without doing anything so doesn’t really deserve a name based on current rules.
Now Jenka is a different kettle of fish she doen’t know when to say no :laughing:

You take it from the bottom and you put it on top

I know it’s late but you lost me pal ??? :roll_eyes:

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To me it seems “Tino” is Jenka’s guy, so giving Jenka a name, and none to him, would make him

“the guy that’s always with Jenka”.

I see your point, but somehow to me that doesn’t feel like the right solution.

Maybe i shouldn’t have said rules but Jabs normal convention :laughing:
Quite true though as would be a bit awkward :+1:
She is b___dy hot though and nice with it too.

It doesn’t matter how we call it, it could be called common sense or habbit, or how it’s usually done.

The point in my opinion is, that there is a “guide-line” and it’s good to follow that, but there can be

situations were an exception is feasible for some reason, but that doesn’t change the guide-line.

Must admit though I am getting a bit sick of seeing Kano there the whole time.
He seems to be taking the hanging on bit to the next level i think :laughing:

I guess he takes opportunities to have a roof over his head, and as long as he is not chased out like a stray cat, he’ll stay.

Wendy has Koen “in” ( :joy:) more often lately, so he was “in the way”, when before Koen raised his frequency of visit, Kano was playing with/on/in Wendy to raise the no of viewers.

Same thing now with Alida. When she has guests, he more or less makes himself invisible, and is back to fill the gap to the next visitors.

If Alida gets along with him, and to me it seems so, it’s a win/win for them.


He is not my favourite person, but he does no harm, so “live and let live”

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IT’s late, time for a napipooh, night y’all

Yes i have to agree with you but there are many times he seems to take over the bedroom to the exclusion of anyone else.
But as you say i think Alida is a nice person and is just helping him out perhaps.
At least if he is there he ain’t at Wendy’s or anywhere else :laughing:

Goodnight pal :+1:

Jenka sounds like Jenga the game

i dont know anyone named Jenka, but Lenka is a very common name , for Jane is czech equivalent Jana

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hey dont feel bad about not knowing anyone with the name Jenka ,Even the best of us doesn"t everything , but just to give you a little more education …JANA derives from the Hebrew name Yoana which in english is Joanna and is also the female equivilant of JOHN, thanx for your imput .

I think Jabs just puts letters in a box now and draws them out to create names now :laughing:

Lol ahaha :joy:
