

I hope Nerina is not getting herself naked,

because I’d be pissed because of the fucked up light.

Yeah, anywhere but here.

Surely the VH chief scrounger ain’t gonna continue staying here depriving Nerina of her bedroom.?
As Jabs said why the hell doesn’t he just fuck off. :roll_eyes:

As he’s keeping the place online, so earning money, you will keep delighting your eyes with his presence :crazy_face:

P.S: If he’s going, what will you be moaning about? :crazy_face::rofl::rofl:

Well if i ain’t moaning you would have nothing to post about so be grateful for small mercy’s :joy:
An damn sure people don’t subscribe to watch Kano or perhaps you do?

Steve Buscemi Thank You GIF by The Webby Awards

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To whom? him or you :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well, you “cheated” by adding another line :laughing:

Was for you :hugs:

Well that puts an entirely different light on it, what can i say, i feel humble now :innocent:

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…or fuck her :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Continue here

So it is official now, that Nerina is the new realm 62.

All the best to you Alida, wherever you are.

It was nice to have you, and looking foreward to see you as a guest. :heart:


She is realm62 :wink:

off course 62, 48 is Trisha, got confused.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Nerina

I wish Alida nothing but the best :hugs:


Shall miss her, she certainly wasn’t any model type but just seemed to be a very normal and genuine person. She certainly was very good with Gerda who must have tried anybody’s patience :joy:


Probably a dog. A wolf would be considerably larger. This little beast is only in 87.5% wolf with a little Siberian Husky and German Shepherd thrown in for good measure and he’s huge.

For reasons unknown, I am no longer able to upload pictures in this topic. (I have no trouble in other topics.) For reference purposes, the wolf dog in the picture would make 2-3 of Nerina’s dog.

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