
From Now on Realm for free…

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The seats ripped and the whole thing is fucked.
Time to get a new one for the new occupant.


Looks b___dy dead from here, don’t think you could breathe much life into that load of junk :joy:
Definitely looks a skip job :rofl:

Agree. It should go the SEX Hall of Fame !!!

New occupant… Did You see the Wolf…

Let’s hope she doesn’t take the dog to visit Trisha before Misha is delivered to the owners! :scream:

Only all the bodily fluids is stopping it disintegrating :rofl:

Because Trisha has red hair also the Dog will behave…

Hope wolfy ain’t hungry :joy:

First victim the sofabed…

Is Kano still alive or did he manage to escape?

Kano does not know that he has visitors, he happily s___ps with the door closed

Then he will soon be in for a surprise!

It has seen a lot of action over the years. I’m sure is smells wonderful I think it is time for last rights and a funeral (or the trash bin)

Nerina She should tell Henry to come and fix the sofa at 5:30 AM
Dog allowed repairs 5:00 to 10 AM
Wardrobe Dog New House…

This time, even the landlord must realize that some new furniture is needed. The kitchen chairs were once white! :rofl:

Wolfy loves all red furniture…

Let us hope Kano is not still half as___p when he walks into the kitchen.
Wolfy has left a present :sweat_smile:

Wolfy visit was friendly as he made it clear to Kano who going to be boss

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Did Kano die on a heart attack??

or did the wolf??