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Where are they all going? What side are they on?

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I thought to Paolo,

but there is big fucking going on. :rofl: :rofl:


Or with Henry without cameras this time
Can they really throw a party? :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Henry ist schon 4 stunden mit dem Auto unterwegs und noch nicht zu Hause, also war er in einer anderen Stadt!

Oder musste erst noch an den verschiedenen Tankstellen mehrere Kanister Wodka einkaufen :laughing:

Nein 5 Stunden Fahrzeit!

About 500 km to 550 km away then without any roadworks?

Kommt auf Henrys Fahrstil an. :smile:

Wonder what car he has got :roll_eyes:

Mich wunderts ,dass er überhaupt noch einen Führerschein hat .Gibt’s in Russland keine Promille Grenze?

hands suffer GIF

Since he is Russian I would suggest a good old Lada. :hugs:

Who said he’s driving in a car?

Who said he’s going home straight?

Most people in VHTV seem to use Uber.

And if the place is not too far away, he could walk.

Did he say he takes his car?

Nope everything pure speculation :joy:

If Henry were to have a car, I would suggest

That’s at least the style some users discribe as his image.

But that’s off topic now.

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It’s great to see Shana again :fire:

…but where is Gerda?