Alicia & Aderyn

The only thing you seem to care about is how fast a girl’s lady lumps take the trip down south. :see_no_evil: :rofl:

More like rapids i think and raging torrents :laughing:

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What happens when someone builds a giant damn in the middle of it? :thinking:

Да она знает, что у меня были отношения с флорой.

Хахаха а кто это сможет сделать?

Dunno you tell me you’re the expert :laughing:

Эта девушка очень хорошая, спасибо ей за то, что она появилась в моей жизни.

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You seem to have a hang up Seth over lumps i fancy :laughing:

I hope she has a good arm on her. Flora was quite the pitcher. :baseball: :cricket_bat_and_ball: :sweat_smile:

Would you prefer if I talked about your lumps instead? :joy:

In this case stream it is pretty accurate…

А вам нравится Эвелин?

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Whatever turns you on or off as the case may be pal :laughing:

Мне -да. С нетерпением жду, когда она займется сексом с тобой и другими девушками в квартире.

IDK maybe Aderyn if he keeps eating the way he has been. He is starting to get a bit plump. Soon he will be able to stop a lot of things. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ты русский?

Нет. я не русский.

TBH I liked Juliana and you more, but it doesn’t matter what I think. You should care more about what Evelyn and you think about each other. :smiling_face:


You old softy you :laughing:

Oh are we talking about your lumps again? :rofl: :rofl:

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