Alicia & Aderyn

Yan is back. I guess we are in for another “yawning” evening! I wonder if the decorations are being put up because they are going to have a Halloween Party one of these days. I hope so!!

The camera next to the television is fixed. I knew I had the power and influence to get it fixed!

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that better that really looks good Alicia and cam in the kitchen not working now black screen

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Where is Guido?

Hey Max when are @Lennie185278 and you leaving for your vacation? It has been some days now and he is still here. :thinking: :beach_umbrella:

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The cat chose an interesting place to chill in :laughing:


Poor Yan, he is left to jerk off on a cat while his wife Flora spends time alone off cam with the pussy hound Ken. :sweat_drops: :cat: :sob:

Obviously he’s with Malkus and the two of them are freeloading - someplace.

Are you not mad that you were promised a free vacation but here you are alone without a vacation? :cry:

Oh my your comment was flagged, and you didn’t say anything wrong this time. They really most not want to see you go on vacation! :rage: :astonished:

by the way most of us dont like you!

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I certainly don’t.

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There are 4 batteries in that pack. Who is the fourth battery? Is it Yan possibly?

I must be doing something right to get all these hate comments. I love it when haters respond to my comments. It would not be any fun if everyone agreed with my intelligent, superbly crafted, Intellectual, clever, knowledgeable, brainy, and funny comments. You know the haters, deep down, agree with everything I post! Especially the freeloaders!

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Thought Tanya was back posting again…….

No, that was just a schoolboy from a special school who used his m____r’s credit card to pay for the subscription that he at least sees female breasts on the Internet.

Oh by the way little boy, I didn’t flag any of the garbage texts as it’s c___dish garbage, I didn’t even read them.

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Where is the vacation you promised Lennie!?!

You are responsible for baby leave. They said you can do it better, you two get along so well.

Huh?? What you are saying is English, but I do not think you have the words in the right order.