What exactly?
I have said that based on what i have seen today and the last time she was here, obv i don’t know the exact facts, or if they where a thing anyway
they did not separate straight after he had sex with another girl
I said he slept with other women because they were separated
Well, that’s not correct. He slept with Ava and Ruba when they where together
I know that.
I’ve been talking lately since they left the apartment.
ob Sie da noch zusammen waren ?
ich denk sie sind auseinander seit sie die eigene Wohnung verlassen hatten und danach NUR noch gute Freunde sind
Well this is what they were like the last time Karina was here…
No way…
What kind of friendship is this?
Aderyn, you keep distracting Ava…
wir sind hier bei VH und was Aderyn da macht der hat NOCH eine Freundin?
ich denk in dieser wohnung geht es nur um Geld egal wie hauptsache VIELE Personen schaun zu *meine meinung
Yeah cool thanks for sharing… Anyway back to watching
You are partially right.
Every partner reacts differently and Aderyan didn’t s___p with anyone else.
A few cams missing ain’t there? Hall & bathroom for a start.?
All good on my side
Yes, just checked and all are working fine…for once!
Since i start watching earlier on, all cams been working fine
Cmmon Karina, don’t be like this…