Alicia & Aderyn

that would make my night lol

Poor guy, yes he’s done it to himself but I’m sure many of us have had too much before.

Yes Francis, off course it’s not something unseen or done before by most of us, but the idea was the other boys sitting there and watching the girls struggling to handle him

There was a little debate the other evening over the use of the four letter word begining with “C”.
Well you are now looking at a real prize one in the bathroom. :rofl:

Yeah it would have been nice if they helped but there isn’t really much you can do. And most of the vitriol seems to be directed at Yan when it’s not like he has acted out of malice, just been a bit foolish

Ohh dear me Rob, this is a real challenge for me to keep quiet :see_no_evil:

Must admit i am now struggling :rofl:
Meanwhile glad to see the boys helping out again, oh, sorry i meant girls, silly me. :rofl:

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you can say that plane backfired on Mr. Yan :joy: :joy: :crazy_face:

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This will probably remain one of the most discussed mysteries of VHTV :grin:

Maybe one day @Yan_and_Evelyn will tell us the answer :thinking: :man_shrugging:


Think i had better go to bed before i get banned for life :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Goodnight John and all you other kind hearted guys :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Goodnight Rob, take care :hugs:


Maybe she is pregnant with Guido’s baby. :joy: :rofl:

ps____________sorry john just had to post this before going, Karina in the bathroom making herself throw up.
Goodnight finally :laughing:


Oh dear they need more toilets when they all throw up at same time :joy::joy:

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Ohh boy :joy: :joy:

This is the " i swear i’ll never _____ again" face :laughing:

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By the amount of throwing up lately in that place they should name it “Puke House” :joy::joy:

Just fill the tub and push him in. He will be OK, Or not. :man_shrugging:

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Well, not long ago, Guido slept in the tub most of the day :laughing:

Or out the front door. Cool air will do him well and the point he is locked out will wake him up. :rofl:

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Why has Ava been fucked by at least two guys?