Alicia & Aderyn

Yan always seems to wander between two apartments.


Surprise, surprise

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Because they have only two on current days :grin:

He has been there but was in bedroom


Hello Evelyn :hugs: glad to see her again :heart_eyes:

I wouldn’t mind being the duck with Ava hugging like that :grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Karina’s having fun lol



Everlyn, is too good for fools like that.
just my opinion

To me it is more than obvious that there is absolute fuck all left between her and Malkus

I hope i’ll eat my words, but this is how i see it after all this time tonight

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yan is messing up this apt, so he and E can have it he runs to the bedroom away from the mess and make everybody dill with the bulls__t he brings over there.

That’s right Yan blocks the bedroom, I think he and Evelyn don’t have an apartment (except with parents).

Yan still thinks that the apartment somehow belongs to him.

Yep, like i said yesterday

sexy the walking dead GIF

I totally believe that indeed he can take it when he wants, but for now it’s more profitable to his pockets doing this silly games

They were getting on ok just now and since, seem very friendly towards each other.

Looks like Ava has a number of dildo fuckings to fulfill

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