Alicia & Aderyn

hi Astrid where is Arthur its been 4 days , is he working

I think Arthur just comes on the weekends if I’m not mistaking

Aderyn making sure that the eggs are warm enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :heart:

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А че, где та горячая штучка?

Whoever did this, thank you because it has made my morning.

Utterly hilarious!!!

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It was Alicia :joy::heart_eyes:

Good for her…what a great sense of humour she has!

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Damn Albina looking fit AF. :hot_face:

I have to admit, I prefer this version of ‘her’ to the human one usually being portrayed by Aderyn!

I have never hidden how I feel about him and I much prefer to see HIM as HE is. Having said that, I did find it really funny the very first time I saw him dressed up like that. :slight_smile:

merry Christmas @Aderyn @Astrid @Alicia

И тебя с рождеством )


Merry Christmas to all of you there Alicia :heart:

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its aderyn he uses her account

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Све́тлого Рождества́!

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Same with yours?

looks to me James Deen uses it sometimes :rofl:

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Ohh ok, but doesn’t change much as i said “to all of you”

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@Aderyn @Alicia you really wanted to slowly demand rent from your ‘permanent guests’…

Still waiting for the cute girls to visit again

ááá itt van Yan majd mennek hozzá a kanapéra