Alicia & Aderyn

He certainly seems to love gaming, doesn’t he?! I know all of you guys do. :slight_smile:

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you forgot the password to your own account aderyn? :joy:

Да есть проблемы с входом ) я вижу уведомления с почты но не могу на них ответить с своего аккаунта :unamused:

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Господа авторы стрима, расскажите, как докатились до такой жизни. Откуда девушки, квартира, камеры. Как зарабатываете. И кто эта шикарная блондинка. Нужна ли ей материальная помощь

David secrets keep you sick. No one likes a naughty boy… :face_with_head_bandage: :mask: :face_with_thermometer:

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Unless you care to share with us where you are having those personal conversations it is a secret. :wink:

Of course, I don’t expect you to answer that question. I’m just giving you a bit of teasing as a friend. :hugs:

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Well it’s no longer relevant, in relation to open forum, as I have deleted the pertinent posts.

Deleting what you said doesn’t make what you said relevant or irrelevant but let’s just let things be shall we?

Ok. We will figure out a name for her. I like the name Addie for her :grinning:
Thanks :blush:

Somebody suggested Kimberley before…

Shouldnt , that be spelled Kimberly ?

We already had a Kimberly that is why I changed the spelling a bit :wink:

gotcha, thats what I was thinking.all these names .had to be a Kim or Kimberly somewhere
I just hope she works for that name. if you catch my drift :stuck_out_tongue:

Not Kimberly. She have russian name. For example, Anna.

Anna is used already

What a surprise, huh? :joy: :innocent:

if she was Kimberley the aura’s are good. she would be a diamond ?
in fact you could say she would be a Diamond … Mine! Lol