Alana & Alrik

mercy every 2-3 days the same as the page :angry:

Yep not the best timing on a friday night :joy: :see_no_evil:

I heard Henry read wiki and didn’t like the comments he got so he crashed the website!:joy:

thanks for mess up my friday night. :s___py:

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Torey, I really don’t care about titles and if it makes you happy I will hide it right now, so I will be just plain ole ukpolska that makes fun of you. Just say the word. :slight_smile:

Anyone sent a ticket to support then?

yes, just did

Yes Henry launched a DDoS attack :joy: :joy:

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Metaphor, dear friend metaphor :wink:

There are lots of things an over eager dick can do. Crashing website unfortunately is not one of them :laughing:


Thanks for contacting us. We are aware of this issue and we’re fixing it right now. Please, note, that it may take some time. We will make an announcement when the issue is finally resolved. All needed information has already been collected and all we are asking you for is loyalty and to be credited with some time to sort everything out, as our support is flooded with reports now. Kindly asking you to direct all questions about compensation after final announcement of resolution for the issue from our side.

Sorry for inconveniences caused, we hope we will manage to bring fix in a shortest time.

I think Scott turned up. :slight_smile:

I think I saw a glue gun just before they went down :rofl:

didnt ask for any compensation… just reported the site is down… standard answer i quess

Usual canned response.

I recieved the same answer. :s___py: hope site go online soon… any other plans for this friday night? :slight_smile:

Can’t even blame the Russians hackers. It’s a Russian website. Else they are such an easy target. Just ask UK and US :slightly_smiling_face:

I dare you to ask them what compensation do I get then, one day, two days free service?