Alana & Alrik

I didn’t refer to this apartment. But on e.g. Mellania or Connor and Wynona.

Alana removed Golo t shirt and wear them…:sweat_smile:

who are the main people?

I thought at first they were from the authorities.

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Really? Did not look that way at all to me :wink:


This apartment has got off to a good start and promises much. Can’t wait to see the girls showering together as they did at Medea’s.

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Guests are visiting.

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More guests more _____s…… and then more…:wink::sweat_smile:

Wonder if Gilbert will get Pebble at the end of the night :joy:

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and jaz will add new track….:sweat_smile::joy:


At least this one looks a proper man :ok_hand:

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We can’t tell anything let them _____ first…:sweat_smile: but guy looks decent…. but we know jaz…:wink:

I still liked her with Golo, but he seems so cold with her, she kissed him few times but he`s not there

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But Golo never settle with one girl….:smiling_imp:

Ryder and Tanija are back…

I guess i need to get used to this :rage: :rage:

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