Alana & Alrik

if I say isabel how did you find her name …

:upside_down_face: Ryder keep making his move on jaz….:smirk:

Guest and Tanija are fast.:sweat_smile::smiling_imp:

Pretty sure Ryder had sex with Jaz at Medea’s a week ago.

Isabel will be then :+1:

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:angry::rage: this a***hole

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I don`t even say something :rage:

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Look like Jaz decided to share her sex appeal with everyone and she is gonna that again and again then :-1:t2:

Tanija is too hot tonight next to Ryder.:smiling_imp::fire::fire::fire:

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I hope she will stay like this….:heart::+1:t2:


Kissing Golo all day and then she does this…