Alana & Alrik

Are all these cushion’s, to stop Wayne from hurting himself… :grin:


Henry und Mira sind hier in Urlaub sonst Nichts ! Diese Wohnung schaute sich bevor H&M da war kein Mensch an ,doch plötzlich ist es die meist besuchste Wohnung, wieso??? H&M werden diese Drogen ,Alkohol und Schwule Treff Wohnung bald verlassen und sie wird wieder in Vergessenheit fallen.

On vacation? Most people check into a hotel or motel, not take over the apartment of people half their age, then try and have sex with them! :laughing: :rofl: Can’t imagine they did a lot of sightseeing! :laughing:

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Ja im Urlaub und über 1000 km von Zuhause weg. Sie haben nur alte bekannte besucht ist das verboten?

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I’m not sure if the translation is correct, but are you suggesting they are visiting old aquaintantes?

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More like "Hey I’m the Boss of this apartment. I want some of that ass now. OLD PERV

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Why there’s nothing on Jaz in the archives, I be searched for her, and nothing until 20 may, but I’ve seen her having sex and even a threesome yesterday since the 20th may, it’s missing a lot of videos, Jaz had sex 5 6 times and nothing in the archives

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I saved the sex with Sohan at the housewarming party and will soon save the sex with Henry and new guy. Will name him Marv.


same question as you … so strange …

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Jaz sex in old place should be all there…

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and the last day she have sex with Sohan and just after with golo … could you up this moment too ? :raised_hands:t3:

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When did that happen? I have 48 hours timeline.

I think whatever Henry do, atleast he brings entertainment to this apartment if he leave his perv nature behind he can organise big parties…. but I knw he can’t control his hands and mouth…:sweat_smile: When M&H are here we can see many new faces and couples….:+1:t2: But as I said if Henry little control him self and don’t try on others…. :wink: or being pervert this apartment can gain more views …:clap:t2: Atleast I saw many beautiful girls here…:heart_eyes: and bi sexual guys also….for gay viewers

But what Golo did was :-1:t2: He sent Henry to Guest room…. I saw several time jaz is having some feelings for Golo… but the guy ignores her… as he loves his s___p and a_____l more….may be that’s y she always ended up with other guys…. :sweat_smile:

she has shown affection to other guys to it means nothing her role is to be passed around

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You are so naive thinking that Golo had anything to do with it :grin: :grin: :grin:

I think on friday night !!!

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Oh I though so…:sweat_smile: may be :money_with_wings::moneybag::house:

3 cams are gone….
Cam 4 Living room , Cam 2 Kitchen , Cam 11 Bathroom