It would be interesting to see Jaz’s reactions if Golo did it that way. Whereby Golo is from Kanzip I think that his girl was not exclusive to him.
Cam 1 change angle to lil left
Cam 2 change angle to little right
Cam 3 change angle to little left
Some spots are getting hidden….
Did you do a ticket?
I did for that….
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Jaz was in control and determined the positions. Not an exciting display. No one came and after 16 minutes Jaz found it enough for now.
The boy wanted to make improvements in the bathroom … But Jaz determines when who and for how long …
Jaz does like Golo very much indeed and the threesome she has just had started with Golo being one of the males. Sadly, though for some reason whether it was tiredness or to much _____ Golo couldn’t get hard, so he gave up. If he had been able to get hard the session I’m sure would have gone on a lot longer and been HOT!!!
Guest room used to belong to Wayne but due to Henri and Mira Wayne is f___ed to s___p on the sofa
The apartment of Mira and Henri occupied by people who first were in VH and then left the project
Hey Alana & Alrik can you guys can change cam 1,2,3 angle….
1- little left
2- little right
3- little left
Why are people so obsessed with Jaz? She doesn’t even have breasts
Is Ken not the manager anymore of Alana and Alrik.
I’m talking about the presence of Henry and Mira in this apartment. They’re two days there and living room is for Wayne.
She’s a sexual projectile that can explode at the strangest moments.
I love Jaz, she is always in search of sex, she tries new guys, and now in a threesome!! Congrats to Jaz!!
But the problem is that the cams are so far, could they just put the cams closer?
Jaz had a threesome but I couldn’t see anything
Who knows she will fuck anyone when she is in the mode. You see she let old ass Henry fuck her today. He’s been trying to fuck all the young girls there and now he finally did. Wow she has to be sick by now fucking he’s old nasty ass. She better go and get check because Henry like to fuck guys also and he don’t use rubbers. He sure did not us one on Jazz today.
What Henry fucked Jaz….
In the ass
He should atleast realised his age and her age poor girl…!