
Oh, hey, Adil, I wasn’t mocking your knitting. I am actually impressed by how good you are with the needles. Did you finish the sweater yet? :slightly_smiling_face:

when you look at the universe, the universe looks at you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

Ignored. Knitting must be a taboo subject. :thinking: :yarn:

I’m sorry, dear… I knitted socks of different colors. winter promises to be hot)))


Hay Adil did you know Charley left the project

Who said Charly left the project?

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it was posted on updates

The updates are not official news. They are Jabbath’s personal opinion. The update said Montana has left the project, but Montana herself has said that is not true.

At the moment Charly is still showing as relocation.


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As I said, these are not official updates, they are posted by Jabbath, not VHTV. They represent his personal opinion. Often they are correct, sometimes they are wrong.

No I write my updates according to the list. When not listed there - no longer part of project.

Charly is still listed.

If they are wrong complain to VHTV to make the list right :stuck_out_tongue:

I a non existent realm. :joy:

He’s still listed as being relocated. It is your opinion that he has left the project. You may well be correct. But officially on the apartment list it currently says that he is offline for relocation.

There are lots of times when people aren’t listed but that doesn’t mean they have left the project. People can be removed from the list for a day or two for rule breaking. Almost always on relocations the apartment is removed from the list for a period of time before they return. Being removed from the list does not mean someone has left the project.

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Well, it’s more than personal opinion that they are no longer relocating…

Why do you say that?

Because the realm Charly, Edrym & Roza has finished relocating and is now only Edrym & Roza. Their managers keep extra nonexistent realms up for no apparent besides maybe laziness? When the realm was changed to Charly, Edrym & Roza there was still a realm that showed Edrym & Roza “relocating” for weeks when clearly, they had finished relocating.

The realm was originally Charly only. Edrym & Roza temporarily moved in with Charly whilst they were relocating. That relocation is now complete. I’ve seen nothing to suggest that Charly’s relocation is not going to happen.

As I said Charly may have left the project, but equally he may be on relocation as the site says. At the moment it’s all just speculation and personal opinion.