
I have a very good memory of the old ones I have archives

Wake up @Artem1345 so he can help. :grin: :eggplant: :sweat_drops:

geek and came in October 2021 and left he came back in September 2022

good idea :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

you mean you donā€™t like him, right? Sorry for my question, the language barrier by correspondence.

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No, he is stating the times he has been on the VHTV project and the times he left the project.

Actually, never mindā€¦ :confounded:

I see. Iā€™ll be more careful with my feelings))

I have a feeling there would be plenty of viewers who would LOVE to help you do that. I will willingly admit to being one of them! :innocent:


Nice models

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having a little fun?)


and you have a nice dick for others to be lovers ofā€¦for sure


Be nice to be there to help uā€¦


How about Aldon, have you known him long?

I have no idea who it is about)

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He was with either Montana or Barbara apartment once when you were there too as I remember or it could have been at Charly apartment

Oh dear, I donā€™t remember what I ate for dinner yesterday. and you ask me about the distant past))

he has a large Tat on his neckā€¦and a crazy haircutā€¦and like youā€¦a nice dickā€¦lol

A beautiful dick you say?! I would remember him. lol

Nice but not as nice as yoursā€¦ BTW you look so awesome all nude ā€¦ gets me horny just looking at you naked


he is a very handsome man and a really lovely body and hot cock could look at him all day