Aderyn & Inga

David, I don’t want to hurt you … but Aderyn’s behavior was often c___dish …

He was young and perhaps overwhelmed, because Aylin knew what she wanted.

Aderyn was overwhelmed and wanted to prevent sex games with other boys no matter what the cost …

His discussions and statements to Aylin were, to put it mildly, impossible …

Never mind hurting me. Just remember Aderyn reads these comments. All that nonsense (to put it mildly) is in the past. A bit of supposrt for his new venture into project life wouldn’t go amiss.

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What do I mean? I mean that you only see him as an angelic person who couldn’t possibly do anything wrong, we had many private conversations about them at the time so you know my thoughts

Think it’s better we don’t derail this topic any further and just leave the people who want to know to make their own mind up by reading the relevant topic

As @Shyguy also said … let the past rest in peace …

We were all young …

That is something we CAN agree on. :slight_smile:

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Well for now this place is a bad joke. Aderyn prefers to stay at Harmony place, Emma is nowhere to be seen and Malkus is nothing but a waste of space.


might be an attempt by vhtv to keep the numbers up :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Well, it’s working wonders :wink:

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That’s fine, he mine anyhoo. MINE!
Angry Season 9 GIF by Shameless
Jus’ you back away now, bish.


I thought that when I came back from work, after long tiring hours I would find some cool content with Emma, ​​what I find is the same boy lying on the couch, he probably even created emotional bonds with him
Ded Teletubbie GIF by MOODMAN

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But y’all keep lookin’ in here. According to Einstein y’all insane. And he don’t never be incorrect.

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Sore subject, don’t remind me

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he has always been a waste of space , Aderyn is just a nice guy, Malkus just he eats s___ps and cell phone all day

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Malkus is a fucking Elven prince, his indolence is merely because he’s slumming it with mere mortals. The man is precious. His insouciance is close to godlike. Kneel before him, worship at his feet. How dare you insinuate that he is nothing, May your bed be filled with eels and your shoes turn to mud. Such insolence. Malkus is mighty, Malkus is my lord. may your ears turn into cups that ever fill with rainwater. may your fingers cease to fing. You disrespect the prince. To the deepest dungeons with you! May your bread be always stale and your under garments too tight.

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My guess is flora needed to get out of her lease

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Da muss ich dir Recht geben, Malkus ist dort kommplett fehl am Platz. Wo und wer ist Emma? Noch nie Gesehen.

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I’m pretty sure they’re not a couple, they’re longtime friends who become roommates. I think Aderyn needed his own place but it’s not popular on VHTV to give an apartment to single men so he had to find some girl who would agree to live with him. I don’t think he’s into a relationship with one woman right now. :grin:

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Well I do not see any girl :joy: :thinking:

I’ve worked out what the problem is; she’s not here.

Don’t all thank me at once.

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She might be like one of the “participants” of the so called party house. Some of them also never showed up. Figures that manager is the same :roll_eyes: