Just a simple picture to express appreciation for lovely Aderyn, spending a little time on his own…
Yes he’s quite an artist apparently.
What would you have painted on HIS bottom, if the situation had been the other way around, I wonder?
What would you like to see? Inga can portray it
Oh I don’t know my good man, you put me on the spot now, having to think of that!
OK, how about continuing the insect theme with something similar but the 2 of you can decide what it is, specifically?
Мы с радостью услышали бы твое предложение и воплотили в реальность
OK then, I will give 2 options and Inga can decide which she thinks might be easier for her to draw / paint:
- An ant
- A caterpillar
i think a butterfly
Too cute.So you are a artis
Получилось как-то так🤭
Have her paint the England flag
he is meag hot and has a gorgeous kissable ass :heart_eyes :
rating of you @Aderyn from 1 to 10 i’m sure everyone will agree is 10/10 Hot as Lightning
Have her paint fox’s TITS
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