Aderyn & Aylin

Aderyn needs to get some balls, thats just just lame to see her doing that and he is on the corner like a pussy.

But the concept works, everyone looks at it and gets upset. The ruble is rolling!

Exactly. Don’t go down so low Aderyn, please. Be a man for god’s sake.

Where is the outrage if Aderyn was treating Aylin the way she was treating him, we would be all up in arms. This is a good sign of bullying that males will received from females. Mental A___e.

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Now she is crying so dumme the dramma wtf

Yes but once people start catching on that it’s her game that she apparently likes to play people are going to stop watching because everybody’s going to start knowing the outcome which is nobody gets anything lol

The exit comes with the muse.

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And then she is going to have to try something new because this game plan can only go so far

This is insane. These two young souls are torturing each other. What a mistake to live together.

What did he say that made her cry.

So there were conversations in Russian with the (co)manager Flora, where everything was clearly communicated.

The following day there was a presentation at Flora (slight modification of the conversations). In the evening then program change.

But it may well be that you have clarified it outside again so that it is better for the forum, if everything is confused.

How you no that

Exactly it was clear what the situation was and supposed to have been from them conversations, I said earlier tonight that this current situation in this apartment was because of Aderyn’s actions, Yan and Flora’s account liked my comment so I’ll take that as confirmation

Let’s put it this way, the Russian language is not entirely unknown to me. :thinking:

I have to congratulate Aderyn & Aylin , they have generated so much interest in their apartment with minimum effort. There’s really an impressive follower base for a sexless apartment. keep up the good work :+1:

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This is called marketing.

In other apartment you have to see if girl xy today resists the temptations of evil man yz.

Okay my question to anyone that wants to answer is this if he doesn’t want it to be open and she does y are they still in the apartment y go through all the drama when she can just be there by herself or himself because by now he should know how she is and he is not going to change that

Hadn’t listened earlier, I hope Aderyn didn’t go under the belt. Not that it has become personal.

All this has been known for a (very) long time. During the last argument in the bedroom, she discussed everything with him and even said that they had discussed it several times before.

I have so slowly the feeling and some speaks for it that it is so better.
Who looks at a perfect world?

It’s not going to last long nothing like this does because there have been a lot of other rooms that were like this and they ended up leaving remember Val she is not on here anymore and y because she did something like this too and in the end she put her room on vacation and never came back