Aderyn & Aylin

Thank you. :slight_smile: I was just watching him do that from the nearest side angle. :blush:


Aylin i hope you see the pic of him look like he is power fisting you in bed

Mum & Dad are visiting!


They’ve already taken over the bedroom!

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M____r blocks the computer. :rofl: :joy:

Not that the boys commit suicide.

Now collect mobile phones and you would have to talk!

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Ma & Pa have left

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Aderyn using is arm again thats a bummer lol
. Aylin looks like she is preparing yo go out!

@Aderyn Please tell me you don’t left the project :frowning_face:

On TV Beauty and the Beast frorm Disney :heart_eyes:

Why do you say that?

Flora and Yan’s visit and Guido with his girlfriend in Adery apartment

:star_struck: :star_struck:


But you must be saying Aylin left not Aderyn

I don’t know, everything is possible

I don’t speak their language so I don’t understand what really happening in every realm

she still goes out all day or more

Something happen last night at YAN apartment. She had a phone call then she start’s crying for a while when was on the phone. then they are at Aderyn place.

А в чём прикол? :confused:

I’m wondering right now, what is the point of the apartment in this form?
Aderyn annoys the women. G. has his computer.

Where’s the fun?