Thank you. I was just watching him do that from the nearest side angle.
Aylin i hope you see the pic of him look like he is power fisting you in bed
M____r blocks the computer.
Not that the boys commit suicide.
Now collect mobile phones and you would have to talk!
Aderyn using is arm again thats a bummer lol
. Aylin looks like she is preparing yo go out!
@Aderyn Please tell me you don’t left the project
On TV Beauty and the Beast frorm Disney
Why do you say that?
Flora and Yan’s visit and Guido with his girlfriend in Adery apartment
But you must be saying Aylin left not Aderyn
I don’t know, everything is possible
I don’t speak their language so I don’t understand what really happening in every realm
she still goes out all day or more
Something happen last night at YAN apartment. She had a phone call then she start’s crying for a while when was on the phone. then they are at Aderyn place.
А в чём прикол?
I’m wondering right now, what is the point of the apartment in this form?
Aderyn annoys the women. G. has his computer.
Where’s the fun?