Aderyn & Aylin

Well would be better to just have Aylin on her own there meeting guys. Aderyn there looks like a helpless little boy totally out of place…

Better idea, get them a dog, that way Aderyn will have to take it for lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng lonnnnnnnnnnnnng walks and Aylin can have fun while he is gone. :crazy_face:

Well Aderyn is already Floras pet :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

My prediction is these two will not visit Y & F a lot. I think Aylin is very competitive and will try her best to get more viewers than Y & F.

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Well for that she has to make sure Aderyn is not there…

There is going to be a lot and I mean a lot of grocery shopping he is going to have to do in the near future. :crazy_face:

Flora gamb__d a house for these two, but I think their education is not over yet, this girl was tough on Aderyn, she needs a girl like Alice.

Yes and the shops very far away have the better products of course :joy: :joy:

And she will send him out just as the last bus has just gone, I doubt they have a car.

I wondered how long it would be, before the ‘Aderyn bashing’ would begin, on his own page…d______eful!

Just talks we have in every topic about participants. :joy:

Well, as you probably know, they read the things written here (they have commented here a few times, already - I think it was Aylin in each case) so I just hope they ignore the negative comments. :roll_eyes:


Other participants do too. We talk what we think here.

Yes, I noticed it with Ken as well. Mind you, he was able to come onto his page and challenge people about their nasty comments, thankfully.

Mocking someone on VHTV is still bullying. The participants deserve civility on the forums.

This should not be like the Roman Colosseum where we are cheering for the last participant standing.

I won’t call out anyone in particular but it seemed like there was a certain element here that was hoping Aylin would hook up with the new guy just to destroy any kind of relationship she has with Aderyn. Or that she would have a gangbang with every guy at the party (same result).

Have some faith in both Aylin and Aderyn. Let’s see how they want their relationship to develop or if they want to be with others. They may surprise you.

In the meantime, try supporting them instead of destroying them.


Thank you sincerely, for making that comment!


How could anyone ever be nasty about this beautiful human being?


Come on we are only making a bit fun of him. We also make fun about Paul and a lot of other people. Nobody hates him or wants something bad happening to him.

Yes and THAT exactly the issue I am raising! There is no need to make fun of him.


Why not? He is nothing more special as the other people we make fun off. You never objected when we talk funny about Paul or Ben for example. :thinking: