Well looks like they got bored with the charade and now it’s over.
Aderyn got Aylin an orange juice, he dipped his cock in it before he took it to her in the bedroom!
Well, @Buster did say he should use lubrication…
If I missed something, was busy in the forum. Who goes too far A&A or A&G?
You ain’t missed s__t over here as far as activity.
Thought of unexpected reconciliation sex or other stories.
well as soon as aylin went to her room Aderyn started rubbing Guido back and arm he as got a problem leaving Guido alone with Astrid
Aderyn jerking off again next to a naked Aylin. It doesn’t even look like he’s even that into it.
When I look at Aderyn wanking away like a pathetic loser for the last hour, Aylin just does not give a s__t, and is ignoring him. He reminds me of a poor dog trying to get the owner’s attention. I think Aderyn is an “In the closet gay” for Guido; he is so comfortable around dry humming and the way they play around with each other.
Aderyn has never attempted to eat Aylin’s pussy one. If he focused on that, he might get somewhere with her. He think if he going to wank in front of her she going to feel sorry and hand him some pussy.
@Aderyn we all know that you do not know how to treat women in bed. Your first lesson is how to eat pussy because your MOM (Flora) did not teach you. Watch the video and learn
HOW TO?! Pussy Licking TUTORIAL #0 - mr PussyLicking
If you go back in the feed of this apartment, he definitely knows how to take care of her
How many days ago was that… remind me please…
Go back to Jan 2 -3
I stand corrected…You 've got to be kidding me. LOL wow, five days ago when I was his age or 99% of us. Would be getting some sort of intercourse at least three to four times a day. Not wanking in front of her for the last five hours. That’s how you treat women.
Me too friend, what is messed up they were getting along great and then something triggered this whole mess. Of course only the two of them know the reason for their conflict
Yes, but there’s always make-up, sex and masturbating in front of her for few hours, not going to help her at all. Some love and attention goes a long way
Guido got to figure what he wants i know thay are friends long time . but if he likes Astrid like Astrid like him thay can still stay friends but he must cut Aderyn from grabbing him all the time or stay with him . i can see she do not like Aderyn doing it all the time the night before she stop him a lease 10 times its every time she next to Guido she got to know before it get out of hand
That’s because she is waiting and he is scared to make a move he thinks by jacking off that she should know that he wants attention like my grandm____r use to say a cold mouth don’t get fead
Yesterday that was fuck up. Aderyn jerking off like hell poor guy got is arm all messed up and she did nothing to help not even letting in greab her to rise the sexuallity to make in come, always covering up, not letting him touch her. To much lame see a man that dispered and do nothing and even manipulating as if she was having pleajure on seen in not coming. Aderyn get a new girl, this one those not give a fuck about you.
All Aderyn had to do to get a good fuck was to have acknowledged the relationship prior to them moving in. They both wanted different types of relationships, he an exclusive, her an open. If he had been an adult and accepted it then she would have been happy, he might not have been thrilled but at least shown maturity. Now he has put her in a situation where she no longer gives a flying fuck for him and he well he will now be getting callouses on his hands. For those that say he should just get another girl, if memory serves me right it was always mom Flora that got the girls for him. Also why should she be the one to move out? She is more than capable of getting guys and boy oh boy I would rather watch her getting it on with guys than him with m____r palm and her five d______rs.