PART 2 part1 was 4 hours ago Aderyn he still likes Aylin to much he used to be Flora pet but in the last 5 weeks no more what he has post on forum about Aylin Flora then Yan had to go there so FLORA had to do something because the place made no money .so she sent Guido and Astrid over there he used to go to FLORA every 2 days he has not been there for5 days that where Aylin goes so not a good actor. actor dont look into the camera 30 times a day so thay do the fake gay for some of the people looking so GUIDO AND ASTRID is there to make money for the place them doing sex yesterday makes its own money did not need him to be the star pretend to be on the phone and looking in the camera there sex made the money not you i do not think he is a load to go to flora and he following them everywhere so Astrid plays the game but some times she not happy with both of them so the gay the sex and Aylin pusses makes Flora happy that all that count for her PART 3 SOON ABOUT FLORA ANS YES HE ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF
Where is Aderyn?
Who cares about in?
that s all, have you finished or any part 3 ?
no not finish part 3 soon on the road home 1 hour just checking Guido up all night now Astrid just laying there for 3 hours for her i like her a lot and he does not give her the time of day most of the time him and ken good match phones
you can put a few commas and a few dots otherwise it’s a bit indigestible
Here in the United States it would be guilty as charged. Any jury that found otherwise would be overturned by the judge. Near certainty.
The days of what you were implying are long past in the American legal system.
i know just seems a little one sided.
The legal system views r__e as one-sided…as it is.
Lifes a bich right? So looks like Flora as sorted the problem with Aderyn and using her strings to make a new couple? Aderyn and? Look at her face.
Oh and then some!
ha Astrid get your underwear on he stairs at you and took everything off
I wouldn’t want them to, but Astrid & Aderyn could if they wanted to, have sex right there and Guido wouldn’t even know since he is so engrossed in his computer game!
hes looking to see what camera are on looking at him lol
It’s all a tease
He has a little & no chance with either, if there is to be any action, I would actually bet it being between Aylin & Astrid