Aderyn & Aylin

If Guido doesnt help Aderyn, our Aderyn takes a conclusion about is agrement with Aylin and that she is most focus out side them inside the apartment this will be bad for them. If you see other apartments, mosts hosts are always home and they get friends to get in and make something fun. But not here. Aderyn doesnt get laid,Guido doesnt get laid because Aderyn is always interfering and he thosent understand when he is not welcome.His friends would help, if he accept and forget to be Aylin puppy!

Iā€™m not going to pretend that Iā€™m a fan of Aylin but what exactly is she doing thatā€™s preventing Aderyn from doing what he wants? I mean at this point, if heā€™s still fawning over her when sheā€™s not showed him any sort of affection or interest or anything of that nature and has only acted like a brat, then Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s his problem now. You canā€™t feel sorry for someone who chooses to put himself out there for someone who acts the way Aylin acts.

in all earns money by doing nothing

let him change his flat and live with someone else

why she lived with him?

he is not making money to. all day yesterday he looks at camera all day I look in he is there looking at me .the only money this apartment made is when there drama i check all 40 apartment nobody stares in to camera all day and him and Guido will not make it and every time she there there drama and Astrid will not stay there to much longer she looks at her phone and see what is going on

that s true l agree but this is not a hotel

Move in with yan and flora

you have to clean up there :rofl:

somebody moving thay left with bags

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close this place we lost our time our money for nothing

Good Lord, people on the internet never cease to amaze me about how misguided and messed up some peoples views on reality, common decency are. From people trying to forcibly label someoneā€™s sexuality to straight up insulting their alleged intelligenceā€¦

I honestly had better hopes for this forum, I was hoping it would be a nice place where we could communicate with participants and say what we like ( and donā€™t like, as long as it is constructive and not just plain insulting).

Alas I guess I am the one with the rose-tinted glasses in regards to reality; people, given the opportunity, will be assholes.

@Aderyn I think you are amazing, funny, very handsome and whatever the situation is with Aylin, I hope you the very best. I love your friendship with Guido and I donā€™t care whatever it is as long as it brings you both happiness, I enjoy watching the interactions. Ignore the idiots on here, they have sad pathetic lives and seek to either escape or bring others to their level with their actions.


Thank you sincerely for this comment (well actually ALL of it). It certainly needed to be said!

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Many ppl say that he is brat,that he stays in silence when she comes home that ignores her. But what did you expect. They both agreed for the project, if one is on the project to be almost everyday out and only comes to s___p i dont no what to expect. Aylin does not do any duty at home, if you come here to the appartment you only see in, because she is else where and not cominting to the place.

so Aderyn who bags did you leave with you can tell us this

What you mean?what bags are you refering?

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Aderyn and Guido left aboutone hour ago with bags came back with none

Plase @Aderyn donā€™t leave :sob: :sob: you and guido must remain in the project!! please please please :pray: :pray: :pray:

I am not sure either Aderyn or indeed Guido necessarily, are planning on leaving! Like you, I hope not anyway. :slight_smile:

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Could they be the same bags that A & G brought from Y & F