Aderyn & Aylin

How much the rooms make in dollars is unknown to me. It had been mentioned in numbers at the good of 5000 and more. But these are all unconfirmed statements.

You have to deduct rent which is not little in some regions in Russia.

@Max_Muster I know Aylin got up and left real fast so I don’t know about that and again if they are not a couple then y keep coming over there with muse,?

Now everyone is there …

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Yes I I agree but I still say they have to split that up with 3 people I bet

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I let myself be surprised, because even agreements on the phone and the next day at Flora had not held 24 hours. So it hadn’t been of any use that had been understood in Russian.

A lady from the forum even said to have seen affection from Aylin and Muse, that would be another possibility or let’s do the 3 series :face_with_monocle: :joy: :thinking:

l wonder why Aderyn doens t vist Flora

He probably has no say there, he will be informed of the decisions. Whether he implements them remains to be seen.

Yes and you see how they act differently no kissing and hugging in front of muse u see how he is just all on him phone trying not to pay attention and I am pretty sure flora called her or she looked on VHTV

If I wanted to cheat on my girlfriend, VHTV is the stupidest place for it. Cameras everywhere, a forum … you can hardly be that stupid.

For me, the relationship statuses are not clarified

Well seems to me now a days what people will do for money??

Well people were saying that when muse gave Aylin a message but then again you could be right about a three some between them

i think some of it is fake when you see 2 people fucking on a bed and someone else is there who is as___p with all that movement you would wake up i still think they are paired up to to in this site you are right why cheat where there are cams everywhere but saying all this its still a great site sexy girls its what you make it

Everything is possible …

Leyla was said to be Elliot’s previous VHTV partner, that she was the m____r of a c___d and did the job for the sake of money? I don’t think there is hardly anything that doesn’t exist.

a week ago ,Flora said that there is a beatiful couple and it should be between them ,and now she s breaking it down herself :rofl:

so Astrid is there dish washer as thay lay there food next

Aderyn and Aylin

no Guido and Aderyn on the couch

It can be alll three. better then nothing!

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Looks like today theres no friends coming!:slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

that girl will not come back she saw everything on her phone

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