Aderyn & Aylin

Even so for what is worth, i cant understand why Aderyn aint getting laid its been more them a week, i might be rong but those friends are more willing to have sex with im because they look that whant it and it does not happen because he is so insecure. By this time he should had sex with any off those friends…

Aylin doesn t do that either

What you mean?

Guido… … … …

there was that girl there last night with no paints on and rub his back 3 time she wants more then friends

Aylin doesn t have sex either

That one whant it badly. If Aderyn doenst have sex with them it does confirme that he really those prefer coack them pussy. I hope he proves it rong! Any normal guy, on a normal soluction would be to put those girls on bed!

Aylin thosent have sex with who? Aderyn?

another boyfriend

Do you seriously think that she didnd had sex yesterday? We didnt see but as she was going from 2 days ago been all around in on Flora house and even he came to her apartment with in, and all off the kisses, and touches etc with so many intimissi. For who whants a open relationship that didnt look like.

‘Clark Kent’ is in a relationship with his phone excluding all others… :upside_down_face:

He can be a Kent but for a clark kent he as none.

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That’s y I say send her over too flora’s house that way she can do what she wants and no more drama

What ever it is she has changed it because she hasn’t done anything with him in a long time so to keep down the drama she needs to move in with flora and then she can do what ever the hell she wants lol

Because everyone one on VHTV is a couple except maybe one or two and a lot of them have an open relationship but this is a hot mess Aylin has moved the goal post she is the one that wanted to move in there with him if she didn’t like him like that then she should not have done it so she is going to mess up another relationship to make herself feel happy its just sad and I thought aderyn was flora’s friend but I guess I was wrong on that too…………HOT MESS AND TO MUCH DRAMA AND NO SEX THIS IS NOT WHAT I AM PAYING TOO SEE LOL

I just dont understand how Aderyn talks to ever so calm like nothing hapen.

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Scared to hurt her feelings he’ll do what ever she wants just as long as she pretends that she cares for him

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Except she’s not even doing a good job pretending.

I’m still convinced he’s more into guys than girls. You’ve never seen be this persistent with any other girl in the past, including Aylin, then he is with Guido.

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Check out Yan and Froia’s apartment now

Clark is there with the other girl