Aderyn & Aylin

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

I posted in YF’s forum two pretty clear times I saw Muse checking out Aylin when she was sitting in the kitchen nook. The first time I thought I might be imagining things (or projecting!). The second time I was pretty certain.

I was hoping Aylin noticed, too. Not sure.

Which one is “Muse”? I get confused by the females of the entire ‘gang’, being only interested in the guys of the aforementioned.

Where do we put Aderyn when Muse & Aylin are in the apartment? :rofl: :joy:

Some please tell me to don’t wait till she gets there to play with his self it is a turn off he could have done that the hole time while she was gone he just keeps on shooting his self in the ass

Alex and Anna I believe manage, Capo, Cooper & Charlize and I think Kanzantip House (with Scott), not 100% on the latter, amongst others.


Ah OK, thank you. :hugs:

@Aderyn I love the new place. You are sexy AF. I think you should get a third to move in. Either guy or girl. P.S. I <3 you and guido’s relationship. :kissing_heart:


My thoughts as well and then starts talking to her


Can anyone guess who this belongs to?! :laughing:

:heart_eyes: @Aderyn

Oh s__t. That was quite the screen grab. :star_struck:

Muse has a boyfriend

Yes, I was rather proud of that one. :slight_smile: Aderyn really does give us some wonderful views, I must say!

CONTEXT: Everyone was giving massages up to the knee. Muse was doing exactly as Yan and Guido were doing. No different.

Maybe this is my estrogen speaking again, but Aylin sure didn’t look uncomfortable to me. I suppose you may have noticed something that I missed.


@Aderyn looks like your boy toy Guido is having an early breakfast. The rate your going with Aylin , your going to have to pan handle on the streets for your next meal. LOL

In any case, the neighbors are now awake. :joy: :rofl:

Muse was giving Aylin a massage at Yan and Flora’s apartment today. That is the name Flora uses for her, though she has not been included in the participant archives yet.

See my post (2869 or 2835, depending on how you identify it) to see her giving Aylin the leg massage.

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But does Muse have a girlfriend? :thinking: :innocent: :blush:


I will add her to the Wiki to avoid confusion. You have some photos of her? Preferred naked or topless? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for answering and telling me. :slight_smile: