Come on. The blonde chick. What a women.
You can’t blame me for trying!!
Nice to see Malkus visiting the apartment again.
Квартиры Я и Ф ( хотя может и к нам заглянит я не знаю )
Yes, I realised he was there (and not at your apartment this time).
I was just responding to another post here on your page.
Sorry didn’t notice
She wasn’t crying
Well it was the one above showing his picture (with a comparison one - someone looking similar to him) and that you actually gave a thumbs up to!
When a girl has hate in her heart for you bro let her go because you will never be happy and she will continue to degrade you
every time Aylin comes home she got to put up with this so Yan bring her home and here it all its all about what he worte tonight every night he does something
But look at her all up on the other guy if it was me I would bounce because he as lost and what she did to him and what he did to her he will do to next girl and she will do to the next guy so I feel for the guy she is sitting up under as soon as he does something to tick her off she will be mad at him and I wonder would he want an open relationship and what about the red that he was with??
I’ve lost my interest in this apartment. I find Aylin to be an incredibly boring and uninteresting girl and trying to understand the dynamic of this apartment is getting more frustrating than anything else.
I still don’t know if Aderyn likes her or not. I don’t understand why he would even want to be with her if he does, and if he doesn’t why he spends so much time around her. Meanwhile Aylin brings guys over and does nothing with them, yet claims she wants an open relationship with a guy she has no interest in? What the fuck? All her sexual performances have been pretty awful and outside of being a lesser Flora showing her pussy to the camera which in itself is not that exciting, offers nothing. I don’t know if it’s up to them, or Flora and Yan or whoever but I wish something would change in this apartment and soon because things have gotten not fun and has been that way for a while now.
You speak the truth lol
I believe they are both sexually inexperienced. She possibly likes to explore her sexuality, but Aderyn isn’t the right person for that. And TBH I don’t even understand why he wants to be in an exclusive relationship with her or any other girl, he is just too young to be in a serious relationship. He just needs to enjoy life and his youth. He is a rather good looking lad, so with a bit of trying and luck he can hook up with many girls. they just need to let go of this relationship and start over with sb/s else.
Same shirt Barbie is always wearing!
Now I am really confused
Reality TV+ BTS! Yan the director
Why you confuse?