How do you know they’ve not had conversations?
On the food thing, I found it interesting to see that Aderyn actually physically fed some of his food (crisps or something, I am not entirely sure what it was) to Guido earlier! Make of it what you will and I will offer no judgement on it myself but I did find that rather interesting.
maybe he doesn t know who he is
The issue is they were put together as a couple by Y & F. (read the 2500 comments) and at the start that shows. Roommates yes, but did you share the same bed with them i did not so did not include them in my meals? If I did then of course that is normal. I sent a message to Flora which she kindly replied to saying they needed more time to get to know each other. Not talking to someone for over 48 hours, or grabbing Guido’s cock is not what I call more time?
That is actually a very good point.
@Aderyn Mate, hats off to you, I see people calling you a young boy with no experience.
Clearly, you are so much more clever than everyone thinks, I see you mate, and you are doing a good job, keep them talking!
So you think if you are straight continually playing with another persons cock (anywhere) is ok. I do not believe Astrid thinks this the case. None of my straight friends behave like that do yours?
thay never do but Guido likes hes sex to he was getting 3 times a day putting this video out is only hurt Astrid and its so funny Flora said that Astrid likes Aderyn and he does this no respect
Thank you for sharing this with us.
You know she could tell you anything, and here you are speaking like what she told you is the gospel!
Did it ever enter your head that he could be bisexual?
Which head?
Guido s___ping he does not know hes doing this
You’re so cute together
Lyric171370 I just want him to be honest with us and tell us his feelings. So you think different looking at the evidence over the last 26 days , respect your views and we will all have our own opinions. I would love to believe him but looking at the number of times he has had sex with a female to playing with Guido’s cock is about 10 to 1 so not good. Also Guido look at his respect for Astrid, her fault that she stays with him but do not know the circumstances, except she left A & F apartment early this morning and not returned
You and @Justen179985 need to log off the INNANET, put your dick back in your pants, come up out of your parent’s basement and go look for friends in your community, and experience life!
Что я должен делать?
Can I ask you something… Who is this ‘A and F’ you keep referring to?
I suspect you mean Yan and Flora. It gets a little confusing with more than one person whose name starts with the letter A, I know! We have Aderyn (of course), Aylin and Astrid. Just wanted to address it with you, to avoid confusion.
Wake him up and show him!
No, don’t do that, please…I was only joking. You could show him (if you want to) when he wakes up. I doubt very much if he would be upset by it. If anything, I think he would find it funny, wouldn’t he?!
Need2p as an ex proud Veteran who served in a number of hostile places and who became a Mental Health expert to help ex serving member’s seeing things that you would have never seen in your life please keep your thoughts to yourself. and I certainly do not need you to tell me to experience life you joke .You have probably never even worked just sat at a desk telling people how to live their life. It is people like you that make me embarrassed to engage in this type of conversation